A Dojo for Women is HERE...S:he - Journey into the Garden of Self

I know too much about the body, to play by the rules anymore. Apparently in Japanese, the combination of Kanji that make up the word discipline play out “to make beauty”.

And that is just it.

A giving over of all “shoulds, musts and external signifiers of progress” and a return to making beauty of an hour, a day or a life — is yoga.

And it looks different for every single person. We have made it about postures and pranayama - but in the end, we will be asked to give up all fantasies about how “together we can get” - before we “lose it all” in the core tenet of yoga which is the art of non-attachment.

By not playing by the rules, I have been able to use yoga and the wisdom of my own body to enter Altered States and from those altered of transmission and receptivity - I receive information about my purpose, and it is something you can do too. You can access embodied wisdom that takes you where your HEART wants to go.

If you are willing to give up attachment to the way you thought things “should be” or the way “healing works” or even “who you are”, an entire “gifted & gifting” world awaits.

In fact, it is a marker on the path of a yogi that at some point the body gives directives so clear and un-tethered that the receiver will be absolutely challenged to DROP EVERYTHING they think they know and surrender to what is being ask of their unique body-mind.

It is in this receptivity that we receive all the messages that can sherpa us directly to our dreams.

But in essence we have to lose everything (at least be willing to there), to gain the garden.

Which can be scary, no doubt.

In times past, spiritual community held that fear in absolute faith.

The question of arriving at our goal of yoga, is not in the eyes of the masters a question of anything but TIMING.

There is an art to working with the body-mind instrument in an embodied, yet radical way that OPENS THE DOOR to spontaneous healing and regeneration. There is a method to the madness of awakening.

And it lives in the confluence of our healthy masculine and divine feminine wielding.

In our ability to stand and clarify - and then yield and receive - right on like that, into the heart of things.

In the reconciliation between the complex community of selves inside.

The re-matriation of the physche itself.

It was when I was most open, when everything I thought would be my life was stripped away, that I got the most clear. I had to loose everything to gain my fullness, can you relate?

And that clarity has required me to release attachment to SOOOO MANY OTHER things along the way.

But it has been 100% worth it - because the LEVEL OF INTEGRATION WORK I do now, I have never seen done before in the field of yoga. And I finally have the guts to say - I know the value of my work changes lives, forever.

Want to know what life had to say about the direction of Devoted Yogi & my work???

I received my stand and clarity on a PROCESS for activating all women as the mother-leaders they truly are. Then I yielded to the vision completely, and opened the gates of receiving and continue to open.

However, it wasn’t an overnight journey - It came on the heels of 22 years of embodiment and academic study dedicated to body-land based wisdom.

In that direct transmission of the ENTIRE PROCESS I was to take women through - I was told, “we do not have that sort of time”… for other women to spend 22 years to get to the place wherein they directly download transmissions from the body and trust themselves completely…”They don’t have 22 years to become sovereign, use your sacrifices in this lifetime and put it to work for them.”

I was told S:he, as a mighty motherer (all women are) deserves an expedited route to integrating signs encoded in this ceremony of life - complete with processes for:

  • Re-mothering

  • Re-membering

  • Retracting Projections

  • Forgiving Self and Others

  • Clearing Breath Patterns, Skeletal and Soft Tissue Muscle of trauma once and for all.

  • Sexual Self Awareness and Regeneration

  • Financial Healing and Permission to Thrive

  • Merging Yoga with Dharma and Destiny

  • Voice and Story-weaving

  • Healthy Boundaries that originate in healthy meaning-making

  • Using chant and prayer to increase trust and not outsource our innate power

  • Exposure to Teachings on the Maternal Gender that give context to awakening.

Now, I have birthed a program I can rest in completely.

If you or a woman you know deserves to live a life of complete adoration, esteem and trust but can’t seem to find the pathway in…let me know. You can book a conversation here.

I got you,

Jenna Devi

S:he - Journey into the Garden of Self is a Full 300 Hr YTT that includes a 6-Month Empowerment Apprenticeship and 2 Week Immersive In-Person Training at Brave Earth in Costa Rica.

I have looked decades for a center willing and ready to hold the vision I have in my heart. Here we goooooo…. XOXOX


Matricentric Liberation: A Cybernetic Approach


Creating Neurobiological Agency in Women (or Men) through Facilitated Breathwork (Part 2)